Corporate Structure
Proposed structure for R3WILD
We are exploring a corporate structure that will evolve with the business' needs to meet R3WILD's objectives. The ultimate structure may look something like the one below.
International Holding Company: R3WILD LLC serves as the top-level holding company and oversees the global operations of the business. It is responsible for strategic decision-making, international partnerships, and coordination between subsidiaries. A crypto-friendly jurisdiction such as Seychelles, Switzerland, Malta, or Singapore, which have favorable regulations for blockchain-based businesses, will be utilized for this entity.
Land Acquisition and Restoration Entity: This subsidiary focuses on acquiring land in various African territories, and executing restoration activities. It is responsible for conducting due diligence on land purchases, ensuring compliance with local regulations, and implementing sustainable land restoration practices. The jurisdiction for this entity will likely be South Africa or an African country where the land is located.
NFT Sales and Benefit Provision Entity: This subsidiary handles the sales of land parcels as NFTs and manages the benefits and privileges provided to NFT holders based on their land ownership. It develops the marketplace platform and implements the smart contracts governing the NFT sales and benefits distribution. This entity will operate in a jurisdiction that offers a favorable regulatory environment for NFTs and crypto transactions.
Non-Profit Entity or DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): Representing the community of NFT holders, this entity serves as the platform for community involvement in conservation decision-making. It utilizes blockchain technology to enable voting, proposal submission, and participation in conservation-related discussions. A jurisdiction based on favorable regulations for blockchain and crypto organizations will be selected.
Conservation Project Advisory Committee: Although not a separate legal entity, this committee consists of conservation experts, scientists, and community representatives who provide guidance and recommendations on conservation efforts. It advises the DAO and the management team on conservation strategies, initiatives, and project selection. Members will be appointed based on their expertise and involvement in conservation organizations globally.
Last updated